Cinema, 2022: You Miss 100% Of The Shots You Don’t Take.
Cinema, 2022: You Miss 100% Of The Shots You Don't Take. by Andrew "Ducky" Dutkiewicz It’s been a few years since the pandemic completely rearranged the spider-web of theatrical release, and more encompassing - the universe of moving images....
Swan Lake: Dress Rehearsal for Life
Swan Lake: Dress Rehearsal for Life by Michelle PotterTchaikovsky’s Swan Lake has become one of ballet’s best-loved classics ever since the Bolshoi first performed it in 1877. The pure white swan (the “good” one) is enchanted, and only becomes...
The Comeback Kids: Post-Pandemic Healing Night of a Thousand Stars Rocks On!
I’m sitting in this sweet little theater just a few rows back, my eyes riveted on the stage ahead of me. These boundless-energy kids are…
The Last Week in the Back lot
It was this time last year that Jack and I painted a movie screen on the adobe-colored stucco of the back wall of the theater. We borrowed scaffolding, bought five gallons of paint, and went for it.
Wes Anderson: The Aesthete
As a young burgeoning filmmaker, the first time I saw a frame of a Wes Anderson film was pure joy. Yes, you have seen great composition and cinematography before, but not quite with the precision of Wes Anderson. The use of a coherent and almost too noticeable color palette captures you. It brings you into the world that Mr. Anderson is trying to convey- one where the language of cinema is recycled to make these tiny worlds of literary fancy.
Box Office Total: Zero
A few weeks ago I faded down the house lights on 275 empty seats at the start of a movie—a movie that was open to the public, that not a single person came to see.
Taos Center for the Arts is a non-profit, 501(c)(3).
133 Paseo del Pueblo Norte
Taos, New Mexico 87571
Tel 575.758.2052