TCA appreciates your support!
Your donation allows us to provide and develop relevant programming for Taos and beyond. If you would like to make a donation directly to TCA, please donate below and we thank you!
Taos Center for the Arts is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax deductible.
PATRON $2000 per year
• Full screen ad on movie trailer, logo and screen listing & flyer for Big Screen TCA
• Business announced as Sponsor when attending TCA Movies
• Listing on TCA Website Sponsors Page
• Listed in TCA’s The Met Live in HD Programs
• Feature listing in Weekly TCA E-News 4 times a year
• Weekly listing in TCA E-News
• Hyperlink to Business website on TCA website
• 6 Met Opera tickets
• 12 tickets to Movies at the TCA
• (1) One-year membership to the TCA valued at $65
• Invitation to exclusive President’s Circle Events
*Ask about our non-profit rate.
CONTRIBUTOR $1000 per year
• Logo and screen listing, & flyer for Big Screen TCA
• Business announced as Sponsor when attending TCA Movies
• Listing on our TCA Website Sponsors Page
• Listed in TCA’s The Met Live in HD Programs
• Weekly listing in TCA E-News
• 4 Met Opera tickets
• 8 tickets to Movies at the TCA
• (1) One-year membership to the TCA valued at $65
SUPPORTER $500 per year
• Listing on movie trailer & flyer for Big Screen TCA
• Business announced as Sponsor when attending TCA Movies
• Listed in TCA’s The Met Live in HD Programs
• Weekly listing in TCA E-News
• 4 tickets to Movies at the TCA
• (1) One-year membership to the TCA valued at $65
For more information contact Chelsea Reidy (chelsea@tcataos.org).
Claireworks Gallery
Community Against Violence
Diagrid Group — Baird Financial Advisors
Draper Properties LLC
John Dunn Shops
Red Willow Hospice
Taos Community Foundation
Taos Lifestyle
Taos Opera Guild
Cid’s Food Market
Phoenix Mechanical
Casa Gallina
Dreamcatcher Bed & Breakfast
Hotel Luna Mystica
Taos Valley Lodge
Casa Benavides Bed & Breakfast Inn
The Historic Taos Inn
KNCE 93.5FM True Taos Radio
Taos Mesa Brewing Tap Room
Taos News
Taos Roasters
The TCA gratefully acknowledges the recent support from the following:
Fulcrum Fund | 516 Arts
Centinel Bank
Keeler Foundation
Kerr Foundation
La Centra-Sumerlin Foundation
Los Jardineros Garden Club of Taos
Mimi Chen Ting Gift Fund
Nancy Ann Mellen Foundation
National Endowment for the Humanities
New Mexico Arts
Rumsfeld Family Foundation
Selman Family Foundation
Taos Community Foundation
Taos County & ARPA
Texas Instrument Foundation
William and Dorothy Titus Foundation
Women Give Taos fund-TCF

TCA – Home to the Arts in Taos, Keep it Alive with a Legacy Gift
Inspire future generations with a legacy that honors the arts. Legacy giving offers an opportunity to make a contribution that may not be possible during your lifetime, but that will have significant impact on TCA’s future and the vibrancy of the visual and performing arts.
One of the simplest ways for you to make a legacy gift to TCA is to make a bequest. A bequest is a provision in your will setting aside a portion of your estate to TCA. Your bequest may be a specific dollar amount, a gift of securities, a percentage of your estate, or a donation of real estate. Donors are invited to designate a bequest for a specific series or program area, or to leave a bequest unrestricted so that funds may be directed to the greatest need. Unless otherwise designated, bequests will be unrestricted.
Turn your values into action with a gift that builds a lasting foundation for TCA’s future and ensures a permanent home for the arts. We invite you to make a planned gift to TCA.
Legacy Giving benefits include:
- Ability to make a significant contribution that may not be possible during your lifetime, and that will leave a lasting impact on future generations
- Opportunity to share your values and inspire others to stand with you in support of TCA and its role in the arts landscape
- Acknowledgement on our website and in our Annual Report
- You or your heirs may also realize immediate or deferred tax benefits from a planned gift
Options include giving to TCA’s Endowment, which is held by the Taos Community Foundation, or to leave a bequest directly to TCA. For more information or to submit form by email contact colette@tcataos.org. Forms may also be mailed to TCA 133 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos, NM 87571.
The donation of your car, truck, boat, RV or motorcycle means cash for our program and a tax deduction for you! The local experts we partner with specialize in getting you the biggest deduction possible. All the money raised benefits TCA’s ongoing community efforts!
It’s often not worth trying to repair an old vehicle. Even worse, many folks have to PAY to have it towed away! Why go through the huge hassle of selling even a nice car you don’t need anymore? None of that happens when you donate to TCA’s Vehicle Donation Program. Instead, we’ll fix it up and sell it, to support TCA’s community programming.
Simply make the call, and let us do it ALL! Forget the hassle of trying to sell your vehicle. We take care of all the details, at no charge. We’ll pick up the vehicle anywhere in the continental US (whether it runs or not), do all the legal paperwork, and give you what you need to claim your tax deduction. For further questions go to our FAQ page.
Proceeds from the sale of your vehicle go towards TCA’s operations providing cultural activities to Taos and the region and helps us achieve our long-term goals.
Fill out the simple form at www.onecommunityauto.com/car-donation
Our partners at One Community Auto will contact you. Or call them now at 505-379-3432 with any questions you may have. Thanks in advance for your help and support.
Taos Center for the Arts is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax deductible.
Taos Center for the Arts is a non-profit, 501(c)(3).
133 Paseo del Pueblo Norte
Taos, New Mexico 87571
Tel 575.758.2052